Mammut Sports Group AG

Mammut I/O Company API

Since 1862, the globally successful Swiss Mammut Sports Group AG, headquartered in Seon, has been one of the leading manufacturers of mountaineering, climbing, outdoor and snow sports equipment. As part of the introduction of a new CRM system and the launch of a new mobile app, Astina was able to make a valuable contribution with Paloma.

One company - one standardized API

Astina worked with Mammut to create an API specification for interfaces to partner companies as well as its own e-commerce and marketing systems and subsequently implemented it. The merging of offline and online touchpoints in the customer journey is a given nowadays. Astina has worked out a strategy for Mammut which facilitates the flow of data and connections to external systems and improves the customer journey. Through the connection between systems, customer data is improved.

Paloma enables the exchange and synchronization of company data between internal systems like CRM, ERP or newsletter tool. If a customer changes his billing address in the web store, for example, the change is immediately visible in the CRM. With the Mammut Connect App, Mammut combines hardware and software in one product. Mammut can share product information directly with customers via the Connect App. The information is made available with Paloma made available.

The system landscape with different layers

Astina has created an interface definition for Mammut in OpenAPI format. The interface definition describes external access points via HTTP to, for example, product, customer, warehouse and store data. The data is processed and used in more than seven different systems. For Mammut, we then also recorded a system landscape so that the overview is maintained. In the blog post "Eine Systemlandschaft aufzeichnen? Diese 3 Schritte bringen Erfolg!" we described how a system landscape can be recorded and what the requirements for this are.

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IT Strategy and Management Consulting

To create sustainability for customers and employees, PAWI continuously invests in the development of infrastructure, customer needs and the well-being of its employees. Therefore, the company wants to further optimize its IT strategy and processes.

Von der Anruferkennung zur ganzheitlichen Lösung: Medienbruchfreies Bestell-Ökosystem "OMS"

Astina hat gezeigt, wie eine ganzheitliche Lösung für die Herausforderungen eines Kunden zu einem effizienteren und optimierten Arbeitsablauf führen kann. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Mérat AG, ein renommiertes Schweizer Unternehmen, das für seine erstklassigen Fleisch- und Fischprodukte bekannt ist, hat Astina die Prozesse im Innen- und Aussendienst untersucht. Gemeinsam haben wir ein intuitives und benutzerfreundliches System entwickelt, das auf die Bedürfnisse des Kunden zugeschnitten ist.

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